Friday, March 12, 2021

24 Baby Animal Blocks


These blocks were previously published on my blog, but I have heard from some people that it was hard to get the patterns.  Below you will find all 24 blocks.  

Pin the pattern set on Pinterest

Be sure to check out these other fun graphghan sets!  I have many other free graphghan patterns too!  

Camping (twenty-four 60x60 blocks)
Ocean/Beach (twenty-four 60x60 blocks)
ABC Blocks (twenty-six 24x24 blocks)
Number Blocks (ten 24x24 blocks)
Christmas (thirty 60x60 blocks)
Flower Garden (twenty-four 60x60 blocks)

Row 1: Duck, Cow, Fox, Rhino, Sheep, Frog

Row 2: Giraffe, Bear, Rabbit, Deer, Elephant, Lion

Row 3: Raccoon, Owl, Tiger, Hedgehog, Dog, Horse

Row 4: Cat, Chick, Pig, Zebra, Monkey, Hippo

If you make something using these designs, please tag me on social media or share a photo with me in the comments.  I love seeing my designs come to life!

Happy Crafting
🧡 Grandma Duck 🧡

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This pattern is for personal use only. 
It cannot be sold, redistributed, or edited in any way.
Copyright 2019-2021, Grandma Duck Designs


  1. Hello! I am looking to make a friend some baby blankets but each one be a different animal. Would your animal blocks be compatible with this? Do you have a suggestion of how to do that?? Thanks for your help! Love your patterns!

    1. Yes, these blocks will be perfect for baby blankets. You can create each block and then join them together using your favorite joining stitch. 2 blocks by 2 blocks or 2 blocks by 3 blocks is a perfect size. Thanks for your enthusiasm about the patterns!

  2. Muchísimas gracias x tus diseños , eres muy generosa.Prometo enseñarlos cuando los haga.abrazos

  3. Thank you for the lovely patterns. It is going to be a challenge for me to make it. I will post it once I am finished. I am not sure how to join the colours that the back of blanket will also be neat.

    1. If you search for tapestry crochet or graphghan crochet you will find some great tutorials.

      Here are two quick choices:

  4. Hi!
    I love your designs and are currently crocheting a blanket with all of the animals 😀
    Some of the diagrams in the pdf files are a little messed up. Eg the zebra is broken into 3 pages. It’s such a shame now that you’ve put so much work into it😞

    1. My designing software is broken so I'm having trouble fixing patterns. :(

  5. Is there a video available to show how to crochet these blocks? Battle with the different colors.

    1. If you search "changing colors in tapestry crochet" you'll find helpful videos and tutorials.

  6. I would love to get the animal pattern, however it won't let me save or export the full pattern. I only get the first page of each pattern.

  7. Hi grandma duck L O L … I read your profile or what I was able to. I wanted to sign up for your updates, but couldn’t figure out how to I really appreciate your squares as I’ve also recently become a grandmother and can’t wait to get started on them all thank you thank you thank you❤️ God bless you and have a happy new year

  8. To add to my Comment if I could possibly get your updates my name is Debra and my email address is and I am from Massachusetts Minnesota girl lol
